The Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University and King’s College London Join Forces on Cyber Security and Data Privacy

In a ground-breaking collaboration, Dr.Jenjira Jaimunk, a distinguished lecturer from the Department of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, has forged a partnership with King’s College London, ranked among the world’s top 50 universities. The collaboration centres on advancing research and initiatives in the critical fields of Cyber Security and Data Privacy.

Dr.Jenjira recently journeyed to King’s College London from 11th to 23rd March 2024 to unveil the joint project, which has received generous funding from Chiang Mai University under the auspices of the “Person to Organization Program (P2O)” This program aims to foster innovative collaborations between academic institutions globally and this partnership exemplifies its mission.

As our collaboration has progressed smoothly, we have decided to formalize our partnership by establishing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between our two institutions. This MOU will be finalized and signed during the forthcoming visit of the faculty executives.